Episode 168 - Trusting Obedience vs Tire-kicking Analysis

Epiphany IV 2023

Do you think Peter understood what awaited him when Jesus said "Follow Me" and Peter followed Him? How about Matthew, Andrew, James and John? Perhaps St. Paul had a slight indication that he wasn't going to club Med when Jesus knocked him off his horse and blinded him but it wasn't till after he said yes that Jesus showed him all the things he must suffer for Christ's sake. Your contract is not a thousand pages to be scrutinized by you and your legal counsel. It consists of one clause- Jesus is Lord, follow Him and do whatever He tells you and you will have eternal life.

Episode 167 - What is Pleasing To God?

Epiphany III 2023

It does not really matter what is going on circumstantially- If we know that we are pleasing to God, even if the waves rage, there will be peace within. But if we doubt, if we are in the throws of shame and dubiety, then even the thrill of hitting all the green lights is not going to be satisfying for long. So in times of uncertainty, and in times of ease, we must always be asking ourselves: "What pleases you Lord?" And our joy comes from pleasing Him.

Episode 166 - The Two Most Perfect Human Beings

Epiphany II 2023

Among all the things John is communicating to us in the story of the wedding at Cana, he is depicting the Woman, the Mother of the Living One in her role as confident and at peace with herself and what she had to do. And she gives a command, not just to the servants, but to us all: "Whatever he tells you, do it"

Episode 165 - Christ Loves the Childhood

Epiphany I 2023

We want to live, and to live to the fullest, and if we are not pressing on toward that high calling we will never feel contentment. It is no news to us that this is not easy, that there are many distractions, assaults, and offers of Turkish delight to draw us off course. We must be alert, vigilant, watchful, thoughtful, circumspect, prudent, brave, and courageous to fight the good fight and come out with the crown.

If that sounds daunting and even impossible (I can't do it! I'm too weak! Too bad! I give up!), we should remember that any kid can do it. In fact, only a kid can do it- so we have to be little Children. It takes the faith of a child, the simplicity of a Child, the trust of a Child, the utter dependence of a Child. Jesus not only told us this in plain and direct terms- You must become like a child to enter the kingdom- but He demonstrated it for us by becoming himself a little child.

Episode 164 - The Shadow of Baptism

The Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord 2023

The event we celebrate this day runs counter to modern sensibilities- feast of the what? Some may ask. The Roman Catholics discarded it in their liturgical reforms as they got with the times- but we still celebrate, if with a wince, the circumcision of the God Child and Savior of the Human race Jesus Christ. This is in fact the Saviors first shedding of blood in his holy sacrifice for the remission of sins and our redemption from iniquity and the curse, punishment and death. How could we not stop and worship Him on this day?

He did not need to undergo the suffering and humiliation of circumcision for his own sake- He was the lawgiver he did not need to subject himself to the law. But we needed him to come to where we were and rescue us, and so ...when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. Gal. 4:4-5

Episode 163 - The Mystery of the Incarnation Demands Our Joy

Christmas Day 2022

When we are enveloped by the power of God’s love in Christ, by what he has done for us, by our freedom and glory then all of the present sufferings will be as nothing to us. Sure, there are times to mourn and grieve in this life but it never eclipses the deep abiding presence of Joy and Peace because we know, we know deeply and feel the reality that this is all very temporary and will soon pass away as if it never existed and there will be only light and glory. A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being- a Man- has been born into the world.

Episode 162 - Christ Has Come, Christ Is Coming, Christ Will Come

Advent IV 2022

Christs first coming which inaugurated the age of perpetual coming, which age we are in, is the age of mercy for sinners. As long as we are in this age, there is still opportunity to respond to the Evite- the call for repentance which is the prerequisite for entry is still being sounded. The door has not been shut, get your oil now- we are in the age of longsuffering.

Even though the King of Justice has come and brought Judgment- that judgement is still largely redemptive, it is for the purpose of leading us to repentance. The day will come that He will come again bodily and the time of repentance will be over, the time of redemptive judgment will be over, that will be the final judgment- the reconciling and closing judgement- when the tares are pulled and burned, when the goats are separated from the sheep.

Episode 161 - So That Through Him All Might Believe

Advent III 2022

The Forerunner prepared the way for the manifestation of the Son of God, for the gospel- for the coming Kingdom. We can think of him like we do the Blessed Virgin. God prepared her from before creation in order to cross the infinite divide and become man, without her fiat there would b no Jesus the Man. God also prepared the Forerunner to prepare the way for Christ to manifest himself and bring the Kingdom of God to us.

Episode 160 - Christmas Is About The Final Judgment

Advent I 2022

I suppose folks just don't want to think about the Judgment, it's so unpleasant and negative, while the birth of the Holy Babe is so sweet and joyful. But this is to misunderstand both the Judgment and the Birth. The Birth in fact begins with the great kenosis, the divine humiliation. Talk about negativity- He crossed the infinite divide, and went down. It then proceeds with the death of the Holy Innocents, moves on to exile, scandal, suffering rejection, trauma, and crucifixion.

The Judgment on the other hand, while being a negative experience for some, is in reality, the great and final victory dance for those who have prepared for it. It is the consummation of the power of God poured out on those who love Him. It is their hope fulfilled, the final destruction of their enemies, and their complete and total perfection brought to completion.

Episode 159 - Growing In the Knowledge of God

Last Sunday After Pentecost 2022

Faithfulness is the brass ring, and the thing that we so often lack. And what is critical to achieving this sturdy faithfulness in the Christian life is Knowledge and understanding of the gospel and grace, followed by obedience to what we have learned.
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