Episode 165 - Christ Loves the Childhood
Epiphany I 2023
We want to live, and to live to the fullest, and if we are not pressing on toward that high calling we will never feel contentment. It is no news to us that this is not easy, that there are many distractions, assaults, and offers of Turkish delight to draw us off course. We must be alert, vigilant, watchful, thoughtful, circumspect, prudent, brave, and courageous to fight the good fight and come out with the crown.
If that sounds daunting and even impossible (I can't do it! I'm too weak! Too bad! I give up!), we should remember that any kid can do it. In fact, only a kid can do it- so we have to be little Children. It takes the faith of a child, the simplicity of a Child, the trust of a Child, the utter dependence of a Child. Jesus not only told us this in plain and direct terms- You must become like a child to enter the kingdom- but He demonstrated it for us by becoming himself a little child.