Episode 223: The Teachings Of The Lord Are Tried By Fire

I Sunday in Lent, 2024

2 months ago

“The Lord hath put on his apparel, and girded himself with strength”

Lo, the time for battle has come! Into the wilderness our Great Champion has gone before us, and we are to follow. For who is God beside the Lord? Who teaches our hands to make war, and makes bronze bows of our arms. He has set out to destroy all those who would harm his creation. “I shall pursue and overtake them, and will not turn until they have fallen. They shall cry out, even to the Lord, but none shall hear them; and I shall grind them to powder”

Fr. Patrick speaks on spiritual warfare, its nature, and how to conduct ourselves amidst the battle. A Blessed Lent to you, as we struggle on to Pascha!

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